Thursday, December 10, 2009


On Monday Mom had a lumpectomy and lymph node dissection. In other words, her canerous tumor in her right breast was removed, along with ALL HER lymph nodes on her right side in that area, and a drain was put in (a tube that empties fluid into bulb.)

Linda, Zoe, Mom and I met at Morton Plant hospital in Clearwater in good spirits that morning!

We went through the placement of the wire in her breast t mark the tumor, (so the surgeon can easily find and take out the tumor) the pre-op stuff. And then waited! Mom in her pre-op bed, and the three sisters
hopeful, prayerful, laughing and keeping very positive! Pastor's wife Maureen joined us and then the party began LOL.
Amazingly enough, we did not get kicked out of the tiny curtained "holding cell" where in reality, only one person was allowed to be along side Mom! We noticed some disorganized surgery techs, nurses while waiting 3 hours in there too! "You forgot so and so in room ..." Well, we were vigilant and not about to let anyone forget Mom! Dr. Blumenkranz came to see us briefly, the world reknown breast surgeon who in a short while, would expertly snip snip our mother! Not much of a bedside manner, but who cares when you're brilliant!
The anesthesiologist came by and said, "We'll take care of you, don't worry." and winked.
My kinda guy!
But then the nurse stated that mom needed to go to nuclear for her "dye" injection. HUH? I told her she was not having a sentinel node biopsy, that all her nodes were coming out, so I didn't think dye was injected....??? When she double checked, she told us I was right. sheesh. That made us nervous.
But not as nervous as the "relaxer" injection they gave Mom made us! Mom completely knocked out
from a small dose of sedative. So much so that bells started ringing because her oxygen level plummeted below 70% saturation! The nurse roused her as I frantically played with the clip on her finger thinking it had to be reading it wrong! The nurse said she was a "cheap date" and not to worry. They put O2 on her
since the sedative made her NOT breathe deeply. But we were worried. We called the Anethesiologist back in to tell him about the "cheap date Mom" so he would NOT overdue her in surgery.

After we completely starved ourselves, talked out Maureen for sure, it was time to kiss mama goodbye.
I had total peace that only God gives. I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that she was going to be fine!
We went to the cafeteria to bombard the salad bar while Mom's demon cancer tumor was being cut away. It was really nice to be with my sisters, I love them sooo much.

We retired to the surgery waiting room to wait the surgeons call. YES, telephone call on a special phone
given to us. NO more coming into the waiting room and talking personally--- this is the year 2010! ....almost.
I was designated phone answerer and Dr. Blumenkranz called a little over an hour later.
WOW-- after 30 years of doing this, the man can carve it out in NO time huh???
You don't become number six in the nation by being slow and sloppy. On the contrary, the man is genius.
We were allowed to see her once she was being wheeled to her room. We quickly rode the elevator to the 6th floor-- I did I ever tell ya'll that I hate elevators? But you know what? I didn't mind this time!

MOM came through with flying colors and was happy to see us in her room. But the minute I walked into the semi private room I knew I had to get a private one. The bed next to her had company and they were LOUD. Thankfully the charge nurse found her a room without a roommate and it was so peaceful.
Mom was in great spirits, a little pain, but happy to be alive!!!

She tried to kick us out and make us go home all night-- she is soo funny like that. Doesn't want her daughters to be "taxed" having to take care of her. She doesn't realize that it's our pleasure!
I was elected to stay overnight as Linda's husband had to work all night and she had to be with the children. And Zoe had to work in the morning.  I, being the flexible entrepreneur LOL, make my own hours hahahah
The chair was not comfortable to sleep in as it only lounged out so far, but my eyes were on Mom who would doze off immediately after every pain shot. I didn't want her to stop breathing!!!
We were discharged the next day and I delivered her to Linda at Mom's condo.

But boy did we get the surprise of our lives:
MOM IS NOT IN THAT MUCH PAIN, SHE IS Fiesty LIKE A SPRING CHICKEN --- tonight she was wrapping presents and even took a short walk outside today!! ZOE told her to take it easy!
Is God not good? Is HE not the healer and comforter during life's trials?
A nurse comes to the condo once a day to check vitals and the wounds. So far so good!
Her follow up with the surgeon is next Tuesday.
My next appointment is Monday the 14th, for a surgical precedure where they'll insert a port in my shoulder.
That is where I will receive the chemo treatments. Then on the 15th, I go to meet my oncologist AGAIN to discuss details that I just didn't get in our first meeting!! Unless I'm sure of all the details, I can't be comfortable! I assume chemotherapy will become my enemy, my friend all at the same time.
I would like to wait until after Christmas for my first dose, as I cannot see what another 10 days would do. But it will be up to my Doctor.

Thank you all for reading and caring, and praying without ceasing!

1 comment:

  1. Give your mom a (gentle) hug for me! I can't believe tomorrow is Paul's wedding! I remember you were pregnant w/ him at my wedding- and now he's a grown man! Amazing! Wish him the very best from us. Enjoy tomorrow-- what a special day!!! Janet
