Monday, January 18, 2010

2nd round of chemo for me--Jan. 13th HAIR TODAY GONE TOMORROW

Jan. 12th.
I went to Moffit to get my blood test, and see my Dr.  I discussed my symptoms of the cold, the chemo two weeks previous, etc.   She gave Ammend for nausea, Z-pack for upper respiratory infection (can you believe I got sick?) I haven't had a cold in a year! And said, "Report here for chemo tomorrow."
Wed. Jan 13th, I woke up this morning and true to the TWO WEEK time frame I was told, my hair came out in the hair brush in gobs.... UGH
I actually went back for my 2nd round of AC chemo.  I wasn't as nervous this time around. I had been through it and knew what to expect. My biggest issue was that I had gotten an upper respiratory infection on what was suposed to be my GOOD week, my OFF chemo week. So I gagged and coughed the week that was supposed to be a better time for me. Now, here I was about to get toxic again, with the bad cold hanging on. Dr.Khan gave me a Z-Pak to knock the infection out, and I was on my 2nd day of that antibiotic when it was chemo time again.   There was some discussion about whether I had a fever with this bad cold, and I did not. So, since my levels were 7.9 (white blood cells) and strong enough for chemo, and NO FEVER, chemo was given. 
My nurse was a perky lady originally form NY,  married to a Greek guy. We laughed about the Greeks when she said her mother-in-law would not come to visit her in FL because her dog was a house dog and Greek mama thought pets should be outside-- hahahahha.
The toxic liquid coursed through my veins and I was at peace. I told God he was good to me, despite what I had to go through. I thought about my boys, and living longer and what it would mean to them to have me around a bit into their adult years. I hope they appreciate it! LOL

After infusion was over, I mosied down to the hair salon. I was trying on all the wigs and having a good time being blonde, red, and everything in between!  I ordered a Gabor wig, bought some kercheifs, hats, and the like, to get me through my what was soon to be-- "bald and beautiful" period.  Ben got a kick out of the whole thing and cracked jokes with the salon lady the entire time. MEN.

My first two days after chemo were ok-- Because of my new nausea meds, Ammend, I did not feel nauseus, and was praising God for that.  And the debilitating headache was not there either, I was getting spoiled-- thinking I would NOT have a single side effect!  Saturday morning Paul and I had planned to attend a training and I got up even though I felt like I had the Flu. I lasted the whole 3 hours but Saturday night, my good time was up.
This hot, burning sensation started in my back and chest up to my head. My skin could not be touched.
The body aches started and I just laid in bed all night trying to figure out why this was all happening.
I was foggy, sickly, and not able to function. I had my back-up helpers there to take care of Ari and the boys seemed to be doing ok.  A party pulled into the barn at 3pm, and I was glad someone would be enjoying the farm for their birthday!
I wish I could say it got better as the night wore into Sunday, and as Sunday now has turned into Monday.
I have a pain in my gut, that feels like I've been kicked, it actually makes me cough on reflex. My head aches and my body feels like a truck has run it over several times. I am praying, meditating and wondering if I can do this ever again. I just don't know if I can. Right now I don't want to.  I am passing the painful hours
on my computer, looking for a great deal to take the boys away the week of Feb. 15th. (their week off of school) and working on my shopping portal contacts.  Something to keep me busy, working....  laundry piles up, and dishes are left undone-- you can tell it's a house full of boys...
And yet, I have so much to be thankful for--- my boys, my home.... my family, my friends.....

oh, wowwww    hair is just falling out in clumps---  when is that wig due in? Salon is going to call...




  1. I have to admit, yesterday when I saw you with your new hat and hair, you looked very cute!! But it was that smile on your face, in the mist of all that is going on, that I loved most.
    Thank you for bringing the pretty head covering over for mommy. She put it on and faced her Dr. appt. this morning, with a smile on her face.
    Love You Bunches,

  2. I have been with YTB for 3 years. I recently got involve with healthy natural solutions because my wife was diagnosed with an incurable disease. The program she is on right now is working. I came across several recipes to help fight against cancer naturally. You have to fight at the cause not just the symthoms. Cancer cells cannot survived in a alkaline state in your body, only in a acidic state. Also stay away from sugar; sugar feeds cancer. If you like to contact me directly, you can reach me at or Best regards, Gerry
