Thursday, December 31, 2009

First Chemo Treatment for Marousa Wed. Dec. 30th 2009


I fretted all week (except Christmas day) about the day of chemo. The day I subjected myself for prevention reasons, to Adromyacin and Cytoxin. For longevity reasons, for less recurrence reasons, for my family to "enjoy" me longer---lol,  for my boys to have a Mom longer. I kept wondering why it wasn't for ME. It just isn't. If it were for me.... I won't go there.
I wrestled with God about this whole thing alot. Especially for my Mom. I meditated Monday and prayed on my porch swing smelling the healing garden flowers of jasmine and gardenias and came to a place of peace. Finally.

First:  ON Tuesday before chemo I went to my my first Accupuncture appointment with Dr. Shila at my friend Michele's house. During my time with diagnosis, my good friend Michele who runs my boys school was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis at age 40. Horrible. She had been getting accupuncture and holistic treatment from Dr. Shila who also teaches at the boys' school. I was told by my sister Zoe that it helps through chemo and cancer. So I did it! It was very interesting! It relaxed me all day and night too. He is ordering me anti cancer herbs and chinese medicine to compliment chemo.
I am into complimentary therapies that go with our American medicine. It amazes me what American doctors don't tell you that other countries have success with!  That's another blog, another day.

Wed bright and early I woke to go get my treatment. My friend Joe, Mom, sister Linda all wanted to go. I said Zoe was meeting me and Ben driving me there (my chauffer lol) and that would be good. Joe brought dinner over later, he's an angel.
Zoe comes walking in with a big black bow on her head and a faux leopard coat and black boots.
"My chemo day is not your fashion show!"  We had a huge huge laugh.

The nurse was sweet and Zoe came back with me (allowed one person) to my "chair." The CHEMO CHAIR!  The nurse explained that she would give me adivan to relax me first in my port and she scrubbed the port area. Zoe read a magazine and rubbed my leg as tears streamed down my face.
The nurse poked my port (big ouch) with the IV that was flat at taped it.
THUS BEGAN THE DRIPS.  Adivan relaxed me and put me to sleep!!! An anti nausea drip and then the Cytoxin was put on the drip and a steroid. I started snoozing. I awoke when she came in with two big red syringes of Adromyacin and explained I was almost done and the she would just inject those by hand into the IV.  ALMOST DONE? An hour and a half had gone by. LOL
Well, I wasn't dead yet!!  The nurse said the red stuff would make me pee red too and not to be alarmed. hahahah  Christmas colors! 
20 minutes later I was good to go. 
We picked up four RX from the pharmacy for nausea (compazine and zofran) adivan, and an anti allergic med, dexo something. Got home at 2pm-- but by 5pm the nausea started.
I took the meds. NOTHING. While the boys ate delicious Joe Mango (my friend the chef) food,
I wanted to wretch. But couldn't. Popsicle? Ginger ale?  Crackers? Ginger tea?
After five hours of nausea--I called the on call doc at Moffit. I was done, done, done, with feeling sick to my stomach and not even vomiting!!!  He said to up the frequency of the meds. I took them all again. and fell asleep around 1am.
At 2am Yiani was knocking on my door telling me that Niko had not slept all night and that his head hurt and that he thinks he has a concussion from knocking his head on Vic's leg brace during football that day!!  JUST what I needed. But hey, such is life with boys.
Today, New Year's eve day-- I awoke queezy. Crackers, ginger-ale, tea, didn't help but the meds did.
I went back to Moffit at 11am for the Neulasta white blood cell shot in the tummy.  That comes with it's own set of side effects in three days--joint and bone pain I was told. But the way it raises your white cells to fight off colds and such is the major benefit, so apparently it's worth it.
 I was red and flushed all day like I had a sunburn. Side effect of chemo is what I read and was told.  NO BLUSH NEEDED  LOL   Headaches go with the territory too. Mine is non stop.
         It's New Year's eve and we've been invited to my daughter in law's home, Mr. Koulias' to celebrate. Big Fat Greek New Year!
Hopefully I will feel good enough to go. Right now I'm feeling the warmth of prayers from my family, my FB friends, my travel buddies and my relatives all over the world!  I love you all!  muaaa!

        I want to go wig shopping very soon! Anyone want to           join? Blonde, Red, Brunette? :)


         MOM:  Monday her port, Wednesday her chemo!
                        Cancer Shmancer is our motto!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

More NewS! And Paul and Nicole tie the knot!

HELLO friends, and friends of friends, and anyone else who has stumbled upon this blog of hope!

It's been a weepy morning. Yes, you heard right!  I weep sometimes  LOL .  I know many of you think I'm made of steel-- but I'm not.  It's been a rough week for me. My best friend was diagnosed with MS, I had a port implanted in my chest on Monday. I saw my chemo doctor yesterday. Mom saw her surgeon for her follow up yesterday with Linda and Russ. And Mom sees a chemo doc today at Morton Plant, which I will attend, with Linda too. CRAZY HUH?
But in the midst of all of it,  some Sunshine!!   This past Saturday, Dec. 12th-- Paul and Nicole (my eldest son) were married in a sunset wedding ceremony on the beach in Sand Key, FL.  God was blessing us with this gorgeous day, sunset and time together!  I love them sooo much!

Meanwhile, Mom has had a wonderful recovery from her surgery. Miraculous to say the least! HARDLY TOOK ANY PAIN MEDS. "SHOWED ME UP." HAHAH
She had her drain taken out yesterday by Dr. Blumenkrantz (Linda said it was painful!) OW
(Then they all met up with Zoe and Billy's after that appointment to get "healthy and encouraged!" 
Zoe is a blessing with her research she does and working at the health food store. Linda and Russ have renovated Mom's bathroom and organized her house spic and span!  What a blessing! )
Dr. Blum***  referred her to an oncologist for chemotherapy, and that appointment is today.

This past Monday, I reported bright and early to Moffit to have my port implanted. Of course it had to be eventful!!!  They couldn't get the IV in because I hadn't drank anything (dehydrated) as per their instructions. The nurse said she had to hold it in place and didn't mind going into the O.R too.
They shot some sedative into the IV as well as an anitbiotic. As they were wheeling me in, my hands
and feet began to itch incessantly!  "Hey um, itchy.. I'm itchy!  OOO Scratch my feet!" 
The nurse lifted my blanket once we got to the ER--  HIVES AND RED BLOTCHES ALL OVER ME!
AY VAY!  I could hear them, "She's allergic to the antibiotic people, we need benadryl!"
Then I yelled, "Ow, my arm, my arm! "  The I.V. had infiltrated and was pumping fluid into my
tissue, not my vein. It had a big puffy liquid spot under my skin, and PAIN.  "Take your time" the nurse told the surgeon, "I have to put in a new IV, she's infiltrated."   Then, I was out!
I woke in the recovery room, 25 minutes later. This lump was on the left part of my chest, and right under the base of my neck on the left. Clear tape like bandage covered the whole thing. OUCH.
It's red and black and blue today and hurts-- but I need to toughen up!!

Tuesday-- Back to Moffit for me to meet my chemo doctor and ask her mega questions!!
1- I'm terrified of chemo!  I told her flat out-- I have big anxieties over it.  She said it was normal
and that she was 99% sure I would be fine with all of it and even NOT suffer horrific side effects. I am healthy she said. She said she'd give me adivan in my cocktail.  COCKTAILS ANYONE?  LOL
2- My supplements!  Why can't I take them during chemotherapy?  She said that she was NOT against them during chemo, but that I had to cut down so as not to tax the liver. The liver assimilates the chemo and could be "over run" with supplements and chemo all together. She approved my multi vitamin/spirulina whole food base, and my COQ10.  She asked me to wait till after chemo for the rest.
I felt better!
3- DO I HAVE TO START BEFORE CHRISTMAS?  Well, the sooner the better she said. But...
Have a great holiday and I will see you on the 30th!!!  oh boy, a Christmas reprieve!
4-CHEMO SCHEDULE = EVERY  two weeks. I will go get bloodwork done, then report for
chemotherapy infusion, as long as my blood work looks healthy. Right now it's peak/wonderful.
Heart tests great too.
I will receive AC chemo infusion for a couple of hours. Then return the next day for a red blood cell shot booster.  I will do this for 4 rounds. (every two weeks, four times.) Then 3 week break.
Then, a different chemo drug,  TAXOL, every week for 12 weeks. Bout five months total. 
5- She looked at my port site (this is where my chemo IV will be poked through my skin into the port
so as not to have an IV in my arm every time.) and said it looked a little red and that the anti
allergy tape dressing still irritated me. I told her about the antibiotic reaction too.



Thursday, December 10, 2009


On Monday Mom had a lumpectomy and lymph node dissection. In other words, her canerous tumor in her right breast was removed, along with ALL HER lymph nodes on her right side in that area, and a drain was put in (a tube that empties fluid into bulb.)

Linda, Zoe, Mom and I met at Morton Plant hospital in Clearwater in good spirits that morning!

We went through the placement of the wire in her breast t mark the tumor, (so the surgeon can easily find and take out the tumor) the pre-op stuff. And then waited! Mom in her pre-op bed, and the three sisters
hopeful, prayerful, laughing and keeping very positive! Pastor's wife Maureen joined us and then the party began LOL.
Amazingly enough, we did not get kicked out of the tiny curtained "holding cell" where in reality, only one person was allowed to be along side Mom! We noticed some disorganized surgery techs, nurses while waiting 3 hours in there too! "You forgot so and so in room ..." Well, we were vigilant and not about to let anyone forget Mom! Dr. Blumenkranz came to see us briefly, the world reknown breast surgeon who in a short while, would expertly snip snip our mother! Not much of a bedside manner, but who cares when you're brilliant!
The anesthesiologist came by and said, "We'll take care of you, don't worry." and winked.
My kinda guy!
But then the nurse stated that mom needed to go to nuclear for her "dye" injection. HUH? I told her she was not having a sentinel node biopsy, that all her nodes were coming out, so I didn't think dye was injected....??? When she double checked, she told us I was right. sheesh. That made us nervous.
But not as nervous as the "relaxer" injection they gave Mom made us! Mom completely knocked out
from a small dose of sedative. So much so that bells started ringing because her oxygen level plummeted below 70% saturation! The nurse roused her as I frantically played with the clip on her finger thinking it had to be reading it wrong! The nurse said she was a "cheap date" and not to worry. They put O2 on her
since the sedative made her NOT breathe deeply. But we were worried. We called the Anethesiologist back in to tell him about the "cheap date Mom" so he would NOT overdue her in surgery.

After we completely starved ourselves, talked out Maureen for sure, it was time to kiss mama goodbye.
I had total peace that only God gives. I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that she was going to be fine!
We went to the cafeteria to bombard the salad bar while Mom's demon cancer tumor was being cut away. It was really nice to be with my sisters, I love them sooo much.

We retired to the surgery waiting room to wait the surgeons call. YES, telephone call on a special phone
given to us. NO more coming into the waiting room and talking personally--- this is the year 2010! ....almost.
I was designated phone answerer and Dr. Blumenkranz called a little over an hour later.
WOW-- after 30 years of doing this, the man can carve it out in NO time huh???
You don't become number six in the nation by being slow and sloppy. On the contrary, the man is genius.
We were allowed to see her once she was being wheeled to her room. We quickly rode the elevator to the 6th floor-- I did I ever tell ya'll that I hate elevators? But you know what? I didn't mind this time!

MOM came through with flying colors and was happy to see us in her room. But the minute I walked into the semi private room I knew I had to get a private one. The bed next to her had company and they were LOUD. Thankfully the charge nurse found her a room without a roommate and it was so peaceful.
Mom was in great spirits, a little pain, but happy to be alive!!!

She tried to kick us out and make us go home all night-- she is soo funny like that. Doesn't want her daughters to be "taxed" having to take care of her. She doesn't realize that it's our pleasure!
I was elected to stay overnight as Linda's husband had to work all night and she had to be with the children. And Zoe had to work in the morning.  I, being the flexible entrepreneur LOL, make my own hours hahahah
The chair was not comfortable to sleep in as it only lounged out so far, but my eyes were on Mom who would doze off immediately after every pain shot. I didn't want her to stop breathing!!!
We were discharged the next day and I delivered her to Linda at Mom's condo.

But boy did we get the surprise of our lives:
MOM IS NOT IN THAT MUCH PAIN, SHE IS Fiesty LIKE A SPRING CHICKEN --- tonight she was wrapping presents and even took a short walk outside today!! ZOE told her to take it easy!
Is God not good? Is HE not the healer and comforter during life's trials?
A nurse comes to the condo once a day to check vitals and the wounds. So far so good!
Her follow up with the surgeon is next Tuesday.
My next appointment is Monday the 14th, for a surgical precedure where they'll insert a port in my shoulder.
That is where I will receive the chemo treatments. Then on the 15th, I go to meet my oncologist AGAIN to discuss details that I just didn't get in our first meeting!! Unless I'm sure of all the details, I can't be comfortable! I assume chemotherapy will become my enemy, my friend all at the same time.
I would like to wait until after Christmas for my first dose, as I cannot see what another 10 days would do. But it will be up to my Doctor.

Thank you all for reading and caring, and praying without ceasing!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Today I went for genetic counseling at Moffit's  Screening Center. After drawing out my entire family tree, (kinda felt like I was in Kindergarden again) they came up with a figure that said I only had a 6.8% chance of having the BRC1 or 2 Mutated gene for cancer. WOW! Great odds for NOT having it, and that was GREAT NEWS!  That gene, if a woman has it, puts you at a very high risk for cancer of the breast and ovaries, and you ought to think about preventative surgeries to STOP it.  The actual test to find out if I am in the 6.8%  cost $3,000!! Not covered by my insurance either! A MEAN California company is the only company that has the "patent" to do the test and they can charge outrageous fees to do it! What a bunch a meanies!  They are beind sued for that.
There is one Dr. in Canada who performs the test for free if he accepts your app. We'll see what he says. I'd like to know either way because then I can make better decisions about future surgeries and my sisters will have a better idea of their predisposition to cancer too.

                                     But let me rush right into the good news about MOM!!!

At the "2nd opinion" appointment, we received the results of her breast MRI and yesterday's
 PET SCAN of the her whole body--- THEY WERE CLEAR!! The only cancer cells clustered and LIT up, were the ORIGINAL ones in her right breast and lymph node!
This is such excellent news! NO metastisis seen!
                           PRAISE GOD ALMIGHTY!

Her appointment was with Dr. Extremenn who is the lead geriatric oncologist at Moffit Cancer Center.  My sister Linda drove mom and I met up with them. When Linda got there, they had canceled her appointment!!! They thought since she was scheduled for surgery on Monday, Dec. 7th with Morton Plant's Breast Center, that she was not needing this appointment. Linda was stern and said,
                          "You put her back on that schedule, we came all this way!"
So by the time I got there, she was getting lab work done and everything was straightened out. One thing you don't do in our family is mess with our ma ma! OR-- face the wrath of her daughters!! LOL  Her pulmonologist found that out when she was hospitalized last year hahahahah

When Dr. Extremenn came in the room she exlaimed, "Ti Kanis!" to my mom and we all burst out laughing and speaking in Greek with her! Which was so funny because she only knew that one phrase, "How are You?" plus she was German with a strong accent -- I could not stop laughing!
She was great, explaining everything to Mom in an easy to understand fashion.
She said mom was doing the right thing having the surgery. And that a masectomy was recommended since the placement of her tumor was not in a great place for a smaller operation to be of any use.
 (no lumpectomy like I had. ) And a lymph node axillae dissection (all nodes out on that side.) She said that after mom's operation, that she could see her back at Moffit if she liked to discuss the results of the findings once the nodes were all tested and the tumor was tested. She said that mom was fairly healthy and with a few side diseases, (high blood pressure which is controlled now, COPD, and controlled high cholestrol) she should live another 13 or more years. And to stop the triple negative breast cancer from returning in that time period, Dr. EX said she would give mom Chemotherapy. A meal of chemo, but until results are back, NOT saying what would be in the meal, because that would be premature.
 MOM expressed concern that she had read in a book that people should not be heavily dosed with chemo because it's harmful.  Mom told Dr. Ex that they wanted to dense dose me and that she was worried about it. Dr. Ex listened with understanding and said that everyone's dose is different and that MY dose would certainly be more dense than hers since I have a lot of years to have recurrence.  UGH!!    LINDA brought up alternative and complimentary medicine and supplements. Dr. EX was open to it (Germany is a leader in that.) She said that her pharmacologist would look to see any contraindications with the chemo depending on the supplement.  WE LIKE THAT, BECAUSE WE'RE ALL ABOUT HERBS, SUPPLEMENTS AND THE PROVEN ALTERNATIVE/COMPLIMENTARY THINGS YOU CAN DO TO KILL CANCER THAT THE TRADITIONAL CANCER ESTABLISHMENT IGNORES.
All in all it was a great appointment!!!  I ran out to call ZOE as we had NO reception in there.